November 8, 2018
NASW Ohio Chapter 2018 Annual Conference Social Workers: Leaders, Advocates Champions
8am @Four Points by Sheraton – Polaris
18 CEUs – 600 Colleagues – 55 Exhibitors
November 8-10 in Columbus
There’s something for everyone at the NASW conference with dynamic keynote speakers and 45 workshops ranging from The Application of Four Spiritual Domains to Social Work Practice to Program Development: Building programs from the ground up to The Poverty Brain: Neuroplasticity & CBT.
This year’s conference will feature an all-day add-on session on Saturday, November 10. The Tech Savvy Practitioner: Ethical, Legal, and Smart Use of Technology will provide attendees with an extra six CEUs, including supervision and ethics hours, along with a “Certificate in Ethical Use of Technology.”
We’re offering 18 CEUs (including ethics and supervision) for social workers, counselor, and chemical dependency licensees. To see the full list of workshops, click here.