The primary election is Tuesday. There’s still time.

Did you contact your local Board of Elections for an absentee ballot for the primary? It may have arrived already! 

If you have not requested a ballot, you have until Saturday (4/24) at noon to do so.

What you need to know about completing your Ohio primary vote. 

♿️If you need to vote in-person because of a disability, you can vote in-person at your local county Board of Elections on April 28 only.

???? Retrieve your ballot from in the mail. Complete it and mail it back with the required postage. It must be mailed and postmarked by April 27! Alternately, you may drop off your ballot at your county’s board of elections.

????Ohio’s Secretary of State said any eligible voter who requests their mail-in ballot by the noon Saturday (April 25) deadline but fails to receive it may vote a provisional ballot in person on April 28.

Here are some great resources to help you vote.