
Equality Ohio Applauds Opposition Testimony in Support of Gender Affirming Care

Equality Ohio applauds the Opposition Testimony submitted in today’s hearing against HB 454 from Ohio Children’s Hospital Association, Dr. Armand Antommaria, Dr. David Axelson, MD, and Dr. Patricia Manning-Courtney. We encourage all to read that testimony, which can be found by clicking on each person’s name above (at the bottom of the page: June 1).

 “Today’s powerful testimony against HB 454 illustrates why this bill—which would prohibit gender affirming care for Ohio’s youth—is so deeply harmful and the wrong path for Ohio,” said Alana Jochum, Executive Director of Equality Ohio. “Ohio provides world-class care to our youth—including gender nonconforming youth—and today, we learned the facts about this evidence-based care.”

The medical professionals’ testimony today showed Ohioans what we already know: gender affirming care is safe, effective, and  complex, requiring  specific treatment overseen by professionals. Programs such Nationwide Children’s THRIVE Program and the clinic at the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital are focused on informed consent, parental rights, and a holistic approach to providing doctor-recommended gender affirming care. 

“We are grateful to the knowledgeable professionals at the Ohio Children’s Hospital Association for defending their patients’ access to gender affirming care,” said Jochum. “We stand with those dedicated to protecting the rights of Ohioans to access best practice medical care. This Pride Month, we are committed to Ohio’s transgender youth and their families.” 

We did not get to hear from the many Ohioans directly impacted by HB 454, who would be denied vital care if HB 454 were to pass. We know that there are hundreds of families across Ohio that are grateful for the gender affirming care they have received, many of whom were present in the hearing room to support those speaking today. Today’s testimony solidifies why HB 454 has no place in Ohio and should not progress further in the legislature. Yet if legislators need further understanding about how the harms would actually be felt by Ohioans and their families, we ask that those families have the opportunity to testify to the Committee in the fall.  

Equality Ohio is a statewide organization advancing the rights and protecting the well-being of LGBTQ+ Ohioans. Equality Ohio identifies and transforms systems and institutions so LGBTQ+ Ohioans can fully access legal and lived equality in pursuit of an Ohio where people are welcome, affirmed and flourishing. Learn more: www.equalityohio.org.