Our Beliefs
Our Core Values

  1. Dignity: We believe in the intrinsic worth and dignity of all people. 
  2. Trust and Self-Determination: We trust LGBTQ+ people to know what they need. Together we seek to remove the societal barriers erected by bias, ignorance, fear, and oppression that limits us. 
  3. Equity and Racial Justice: Racism is unique, systemic, and persistent; addressing it within ourselves, communities, policies, laws, systems and institutions is vital for the transformation we seek and need. We believe diverse leadership and meaningful engagement from across our LGBTQ+ and allied communities, most especially in communities of color, results in better solutions for everyone. We will fight such that those experiencing multiple forms of oppression are specifically addressed in policy and nobody is left behind.
  4. Transformation of People, Institutions and Systems: We believe individuals can evolve to affirm LGBTQ+ people when they are met where they are and encouraged on their journey. Systems and institutions must also transform; this requires: identifying and confronting the ways in which (intentionally or unintentionally) they are oppressive; providing inspiration for change; building out alternatives; and working in partnership to co-create effective solutions.
  5. Lived and Legal Equality: We believe that changing laws and policies has important impacts on people’s lives and alone does not achieve our vision of lived equality. For this, hearts, minds, and behaviors must change. How we advocate, therefore, is held with equal importance as the change we seek.
  6. Collaboration:   We believe that realizing our vision will require a robust and diverse ecosystem of organization partners who bring their own strategies, constituencies, expertise, power, and perspective. No one can or should do it all alone. We respect and value all who contribute, operate from their own strengths, and build deep partnerships.
  7. Passionate Commitment: We are fierce, fabulous and passionate. We lead from a place of love and not rooted in fear. We learn, adapt, and evolve our work. We are in it for the long-term and seek sustainability by creating a culture of care for ourselves and one another.

Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision: An Ohio where people are welcome, affirmed and flourishing.

Our Mission: Equality Ohio identifies and transforms systems and institutions so LGBTQ+ Ohioans can fully access legal and lived equality.

Leadership & Affiliations

Equality Ohio Education Fund

Equality Ohio Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that advocates and educates to achieve fair treatment and equal opportunity for all Ohioans regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

Equality Ohio Non-Profit

Equality Ohio is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization that advocates and educates to achieve fair treatment and equal opportunity for all Ohioans regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

Equality Ohio is a proud member of the Equality Federation.