
Disclosure of expectation and capability NEED CONTENT


What is HB 68?: 

We’re asking you to submit a survey, telling us about your experiences with youth sports or gender affirming care in Ohio. You can talk about their importance to your own life or simply a statement stating why you support transgender dignity in Ohio. You can do this as an individual, family, group of friends, or organization. 

Steps for Survey Submission:

  1. Fill out the survey form here [LINK]
  2. We will upload your final  survey to an anonymous spreadsheet. You can request a copy of your survey. 
  3. Participate in raising awareness by posting about the survey online, and be sure to tag Equality Ohio!
  4. Have questions? Contact Cam Ogden, policy@equalityohio.org.  

Tips for Submitting Your Survey:

  • Take 10-15 minutes to write out what you’re going to say. You don’t have to read from a script but the submission should include complete thoughts. 
  • In the survey, there is an option to mark where in Ohio you are from. This will help us to navigate understanding what communities need support the most. 
  • Complete the survey in a quiet setting
  • Speak from the heart. Make it real. People want to hear your honest story and perspective. 


Click an icon to access.

View the Municipal Map. Find out if the zip code you live, work, or attend school in has LGBTQ+ protections

Access emergency resources: Are you a transgender Ohioan in need of emergency funds or other resources? Apply for funds and check out other useful resources from our friends at TransOhio.

Access emergency funds and other resources from our friends at Souther Youth Equality Project (SYEP). This link contains emergency funds, a digital toolkit and other useful resources.

In crisis? Call or text the Trans Care Warplane: 866-70-TOHIO

Trauma trained volunteers will be there for a listening ear, emotional support and Ohio specific resources

View the Municipal Map. Find out if the zip code you live, work, or attend school in has LGBTQ+ protections

Access emergency resources: Are you a transgender Ohioan in need of emergency funds or other resources? Apply for funds and check out other useful resources from our friends at TransOhio.

Access emergency funds and other resources from our friends at Souther Youth Equality Project (SYEP). This link contains emergency funds, a digital toolkit and other useful resources.

In crisis? Call or text the Trans Care Warplane: 866-70-TOHIO

Trauma trained volunteers will be there for a listening ear, emotional support and Ohio specific resources


Click an icon to access.

Show your love, respect and care for transgender Ohioans, write a quick note for #TranJoy, Equality Ohio’s longest running campaign.

Donate any amount: Are you an ally to transgender Ohioans? Donate any amount to the ER fund, hosted by our friends TransOhio. This fund has supported over 300 Ohioans so far and is a true testament to community power.

Are you a practicing lawyer or law student? Join the Equality Ohio Attorney Referral Network and start making a difference.

VOTE! Local elections matter. Check out our highly anticipated 2024 Candidate Scorecard and line your ballot up to your values.