Brecksville United Methodist Church

We strive to live by these words, spoken by John Wesley: “Whoever you are; in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess, if you come to this house to find God, you are welcome." At Brecksville United Methodist Church, our doors are open to everyone. We are constantly growing and learning how we can be more welcoming to those in the community, both nearby and further afield. Whatever your age, race, background, vocation, orientation or belief system, we invite you to come and experience God’s grace with us.

Brecksville United Methodist Church is called to the ministry of reconciliation. We embrace diversity as a gift. We celebrate our human family’s diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, faith history, economic status, marital status, physical and mental ability, and education. We affirm that all people are created in the image of God and as beloved children of God, all are worthy of God’s love and grace. We welcome the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministries of Brecksville United Methodist Church as we journey toward reconciliation through Christ.