Livingston United Methodist Church

We are an inclusive congregation, who welcomes, honors and celebrates all of God’s children.

At Livingston church, we focus on three main areas: <b>worship</b>, <strong>small</strong><b> groups</b>, and <b>mission</b>. We are convinced that our calling as a church is to encourage and equip people to be in full and loving relationship with God and each other. We want to minister to people in such a way that they can be more fulfilled, faithful and effective in the places where God has put them.

We provide ministries which expose people to God’s grace and the means God uses to communicate that grace. We provide worship experiences where people can have a loving encounter with God, pray, hear the Word of God, build relationships, and discover and use their own talents and resources to serve others. That’s what happens in Worship, Discipleship Groups, and Ministry Teams. We are convinced that involvement in all three of these areas is essential to our spiritual growth and health.

We believe that spiritual practices like prayer, reading the Bible, participating in small groups, worship, fasting, and tithing are vital to our faith.

<strong>Get involved. Grow. Live your life.</strong>