The members and friends of Old South United Church of Christ welcome all persons, regardless of ethnic heritage, religious backgrounds,gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, etc. Each Sunday begins with the following welcome statement:
We come from many different paths to gather here, for wide is God's welcome, and you are welcome here.
If you believe in God some of the time or none of the time or all of the time, you are welcome here.
If you are happy or sad, rich or poor, powerful or weak …
If you are young, old, or just young at heart, you are welcome here.
If you are married ,single, partnered, divorced, or widowed …
If you are gay or straight, or a little of each …
If you are a man or a woman, or a little of each …
If you don't see or hear or move so well, you are welcome here.
Your presence here is a gift that challenges us to open our doors as wide as God's welcome.
No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey you are welcomed here by the God who made you and loves you just the way you are and loves you enough to challenge you to keep growing toward that person God made you to be.
Come, let us seek and worship that God.
This church has been part of this community for over 185 years. During that time, the church has grown and changed, but the commitment to serving God's people has not wavered.
<h4>God is Still Speaking…</h4>