We Stand in Solidarity with AAPI Communities

As Ohioans, we must continue the ongoing work to be truly anti-racist. Across party lines, leaders and communities alike are calling for an end to White Supremacy. Its destructive path has no place in public office or civic duty. 

We stand in solidarity with Atlanta in the wake of yet another unjust attack on Asian Americans. We condemn any senseless loss of life, and unjust behavior by some in power that fuel such acts. We mourn the rising racism against Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities in the wake of COVID-19. We commit to using our collective, bipartisan voice and our capacity at Equality Ohio to collaborate throughout the state to end systemic racism, homophobia and transphobia, and build a truly equal community. 

Words are important, especially from trusted public officials. Words heal. They divide. They create. They embolden. They dismantle. They build trust. We cannot be idle when hate and violence are emboldened by public officials; our hearts are with Atlanta, but our heads are here at home. 

At Equality Ohio, we work hard, not only to build lived equality and equity for our LGBTQ+ community, but also to actively support others. When we recognize our freedom is tied together, we all win. No statement will accurately capture the pain of injustice, we must follow with action. 


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Donating time and resources to organizations like OPAWL, who are working to build lived equality for Asian identified people in Ohio is an incontestable way to ensure we thrive, together. 

The Opportunity In Front of Us

The state of Ohio is a region rich with promise. Yet no matter how hard working, how decent, how committed Ohioans are, we are only as strong as our weakest links. When we tackle gaps in equity and equality, we expand opportunity across the state – providing ALL Ohioans a fair opportunity to work, learn, and thrive. Lived equality requires lasting change, not patchwork fixes, and requires partnerships between people from all walks of life. 

As the state’s largest LGBTQ+ legal aid organization, Equality Ohio is uniquely positioned to inspire change, increasing the vitality of our communities, and the well-being of all residents. We invite you to donate now to OPAWL, and support a future where we elevate each other. Together we will bend the arc of morality towards true freedom and justice for all.