We welcome you to The Federated Church, a place to belong and a place to become. We are people just like you, who hope and love and hurt, and we have found that Jesus Christ makes a transforming difference in our daily lives. Your presence matters to us. We open our hands and hearts to you.
Federated Church is part of the United Church of Christ, a denomination with a rich and storied history and a promising future. Formed in 1957 from the merger of several earlier denominations, it is a “united and uniting church.” Committed to social justice and to sound theology, each local congregation is given its own responsible autonomy. Free of restrictive and limiting ties to a larger denomination, we are able to govern ourselves as we see fit. As such we have decided as a congregation to declare ourselves an "Open & Affirming" (ONA) congregation that welcomes all into full participation in the life of the church.
We are acutely aware that we are bound together with all churches and with all the world. Thus, everything we do is done with an eye to the larger world, and with an acute sense of our responsibility to care for all that hurts. Above all, we believe that God is still speaking, that God is doing a new thing in our midst, and that faith, hope, and love will have the last word.